Children & Youth

At our Parish, Youth Ministries are an essential part of what we do. Between our CLB, Youth Group, Nursery, Godly Play, The Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth (CLAY), and God’s Positioning System (GPS) we have a diverse group of young people that are engaged in, and an active part of, our Parish family.

Church Lads’ Brigade (C.L.B.)

The C.L.B. was founded in 1891 in London, England and through the efforts of a young Newfoundlander, Harold Blackler, the first C.L.B. overseas unit was started in St. John’s in 1892. Today, the C.L.B. in NL has 14 Companies, 1 Army Cadet Corps, and 1 Navy League Corps spread across the Avalon Peninsula, from St. John’s to New Harbour, and one Company on the Bonavista Peninsula in Trinity East/Port Rexton; in total over 500 members strong!

The objective of the Brigade is, through educational, recreational and social activities, to help youth develop the necessary skills to become future leaders. The C.L.B is open to all youth and is divided into five age groups:

  • Little Training Corps (LTC) – grades K and 1,
  • Young Training Corps (YTC) – grades 2 – 4,
  • Junior Training Corps (JTC) – grades 5 – 7,
  • Senior Corps (SC) – grades 8 – 12,
  • Officers – ages 19+

Youth Group

We have a combined group of youth from the parish of the Good Shepherd, The Ascension, St, Mary’s, The Cathedral and St. Michael’s ranging from ages 10-20. We gather twice a month to share in a time of fellowship and sharing Jesus’ example through acts of kindness, outreach, fundraising, games, crafts and food.


The space is made available in the worship space for children between the ages of 0-4. Children are under parental supervision and can be creative in play while still being present in the service. We have a change table, books, toys, rocking chair and other items to make this experience enriching and safe for all.

Godly Play

Godly Play teaches children the art of using Christian language – parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action – helping them become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives. It’s about understanding how each of the stories of God’s people connects with the child’s own experience and relationship with God. Godly Play respects the innate spirituality of children and encourages curiosity and imagination in experiencing the mystery and joy of God.

Our parish had certified Godly Play instructors who meet each Sunday with children ages 5-11 during the 11am worship. If you would like more information please contact the office.

The Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth (CLAY)

Is a program of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and the Anglican Church in Canada bringing together youth age 14-19 years old and their leaders for programming related to a certain theme. Every second-year youth from our parishes attend this event. They raise the funds needed for travel and registration. The youth who attend thoroughly enjoy their experience and return to their parishes sharing what they have learned with other youth.

The Goals of Our Gatherings

  • To proclaim the grace and faithfulness of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ.
  • To respond to God’s grace and faithfulness in ways that are intentional, practical and meaningful.
  • To celebrate that, by the grace of God, we are children of God.
  • To celebrate the Full Communion relationship of the ELCIC and the ACC and encourage youth to live out that relationship in their home contexts.

God’s Positioning System (GPS)

This Diocesan Youth Conference is for youth, from grade 7 and up, to come together to discover how faith is an important part of everyday life. Through guest speakers, outreach initiatives and other activities, youth have an opportunity to explore their faith with other young people from all across the Diocese.


A Christian disciple, by definition, is a person who assists in spreading the Good News of Jesus. Therefore, Christian discipleship is the process by which the Good News is spread. Here, at Ascension, we have responded to the call set forth in St. Matthew’s Gospel 28:18-20.

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”

Also, in Colossians 1:25-28, it is stated, “God’s commission that was given to me for you, is to make the word of God fully known…” Periodically, as the need arises, all leaders and volunteers associated with the discipleship ministry meet to share, to coordinate, and to develop further, different segments of the ministry.

There are several ways in which the church aims to fulfill the discipleship mission:

  • Baptism Preparation
  • Confirmation Preparation
  • Godly Play
  • Vacation Bible School
  • CLB
  • Youth Group
  • Adult Bible Studies

If, on reading this, you would like to avail of the opportunity to be involved in any of the above areas, or would like to learn more about them, just call the church office and let your willingness to serve be known.


Acts 2:42 makes reference to the importance of fellowship in “And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” And again, a featured Bible verse from Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

Fellowship should be part of our life as a Christ-follower. Accepting, welcoming, and reaching out to visitors and members of the parish should come naturally to us.

The committee meets as the need presents itself, especially to reflect on what is being done in the area of fellowship, and to organize other means of strengthening the church as a “community.”

The focus of the committee is:

  • Liaising with the Anglican Church Women, Men’s Service Club, the Youth Group, and Sidespersons
  • Coordinating fellowship activities (some solely for fellowship and others to help fund the parish’s ministries)
  • Planning the fellowship activities to help with funding would include:
    • card games
    • lobster boil
    • fall sale
    • etc.
  • Helping to plan for “Welcome Back Sunday,” and therefore providing information to: encourage parishioners to join the very active Anglican Church Women, or to join the Men’s Service Club

Some may not wish to be part of a committee but would enjoy helping prepare and serve refreshments for the family service fellowship hour which is usually held after the 11 a.m. service the last Sunday of each month. Or, maybe you would like to prepare food, act as host, or help with the clean up following “breakfast” at the Ascension Café after the 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion service each Sunday. It is a great way to get to know your parish family better!

Ministry Opportunities

For additional information or to contact us about being part of our ministries please contact us via one of the below mediums:

In Person

Monday – Friday from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Snail Mail

The Parish of The Ascension
58 Smallwood Drive
Mount Pearl, NL
A1N 1B1


[email protected]


(709) 368 – 5693


Contact Us


Music is a vital part of the liturgy at The Parish of the Ascension. Members of the congregation are blessed to have very devoted and talented church choirs in our parish.

At most of the worship services at the parish music plays an integral role, whether is it Sunday services, seasonal services, funerals, weddings, and other special services throughout the year, music is provided.

If you enjoy singing you are most welcome to join a choir at the parish. Our senior choir is a committed group of adults who devote their time and talent to lead the singing of hymns, psalms, and anthems at our services. The ability to read music is not necessary to become a member of our choir, just the love of singing. We meet weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7 – 8:30 pm for choir practice in the church, and to attend Sunday services and special services throughout the year.

Our Junior choir is for young people age 9 years and older. They meet Wednesday evenings from 5:45 to 6:15 pm in the church for choir practice. The goal of our junior choir is to learn hymns, psalms, and anthems to sing at various services during the year.

We have participated in concerts and fundraisers in recent years and it is a joy to sing with other musical groups in concerts and special events.

If you are interested in joining one of our choir(s), please contact the organist/choir director and /or a member of a choir for further information.


The dictionary meaning of proclamation is that which is publicly announced, or officially declared.

As present-day disciples, we too are called to ‘publicly announce’ the Word, to make known what happens inside our church doors, to welcome visitors, to tell about the ministries within our parish.

In Mark 15:16, (Jesus) said to them, “Go the whole world over, and proclaim the Good News to all Humanity.”

And likewise in Matthew 10:27, Jesus gave instructions to his disciples as to the work he expected of them, He said, “What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim from the housetops.”

Those that have given of their time and talent to be involved in this ministry, help to fulfill this mission in various ways:

  • Keeping Ascension’s website relevant
  • Compiling ‘welcoming’ and ‘informative’ material in various forms – booklets, brochures, posters, etc.
  • Helping to organize, and announce publicly our Ascension Celebrations
  • Discovering means of making the church more visible in the community
  • Being happy to share our own stories of Life at the Church of the Ascension
  • Updating the Parish’s facebook page and twitter
  • Delivering the ‘Ascension News’ each week by way of email

It is a time for a renewed effort to regain the missionary model that established the early church. It is our duty and obligation not to ‘hide our light under the bushel, but to let it shine before all people.’ If you would like to help in this mission, but all means let your wish be known. Those involved meet as the need presents itself.

Wardens & Vestry

The Churchwardens shall have equal status and responsibility in the congregation in which they serve. In the exercise of their general responsibilities they shall act jointly. They shall act in consultation with the Incumbent and the Vestry of the congregation in the advancement of the Kingdom of God in that congregation. They shall exercise leadership, and with the Incumbent act as executive officers of the Vestry of the congregation in the supervision of all matters relating to that congregation; and they shall have general responsibility for all matters relating to the congregation that are not expressly the responsibility of the Bishop or the Incumbent.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Churchwardens shall:

Leadership in Church life

  • give leadership in the congregation by regular worship, example, and stewardship;

Concerning Worship

  • provide at the expense of the congregation all things needed for the worship of Almighty God in the congregation, including appropriate furnishings, vesture, books, and, where there is no Parish Council, registers for the recording of baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and burials;
  • cause order to be preserved during services of worship;
  • share with the Incumbent responsibility for ensuring that the Church is not used for any improper or profane purpose;
  • where there is no Parish Council, make arrangements to provide services of worship and pastoral care as required when there is no Incumbent, or if the Incumbent is absent or incapacitated;

Work of the Church

  • co-operate with the Incumbent in the initiation, conduct, and development of Church work within the congregation;
  • use their respective best efforts to carry out all lawful resolutions adopted at meetings of the Synod, the congregation, and the Vestry;
  • bring to the attention of the Incumbent any matter pertaining to the congregation they consider requires the Incumbent’s attention;
  • make jointly with the Incumbent on behalf of the congregation all contracts which have been approved by a meeting of the congregation or by the Vestry;
  • report their Incumbent to the Bishop, or, if there is no Bishop, to the Administrator of the Diocese, if the Incumbent is irregular in the performance of duty, immoral in behaviour, or unsound in doctrine;


  • exercise leadership in raising the revenue necessary for the operations of the Church, including the payment of all salaries and benefits;
  • be responsible for the safe custody and accurate recording of all money received in the congregation for the work of the Church;
  • be jointly responsible with the Incumbent for the proper disposition of all money received in the congregation for the work of the Church, subject to the approval of the Vestry; Cn. 5 Page 4 Revised & Updated 2011
  • where there is no Parish Council, cause the stipend of the Incumbent and any Curates to be paid punctually, such stipends being the first charge upon the funds of the parish;
  • where there is no Parish Council, cause the parish's assessment to the Diocese to be paid in accordance with diocesan policy, such assessments being the second charge upon the funds of the parish;
  • cause all salaries and accounts which are the responsibility of the congregation to be paid, such payment having first been authorized and approved by the Vestry where necessary;
  • give an account, duly audited, at the Annual Congregational Meeting of all money received and disbursed in the congregation for the work of the Church in the preceding year;
  • where there is no Parish Council, send to the Diocesan Office annually, no later than April 30, Financial Returns for the preceding year;
  • on retiring from office give a correct account of all financial transactions of the congregation for which they had been responsible, and deliver up to their successors the property of the Church which had been in their possession; Church Property
  • keep the Church and other buildings of the congregation, and, where there is no Parish Council, the rectory and other parochial buildings, in a good state of repair and cleanliness, and insured in accordance with diocesan policy;
  • in the absence of a duly constituted Cemetery Committee, see that every cemetery pertaining to the congregation is decently fenced and well ordered;
  • where there is no Parish Council, take charge of the rectory and other Church property during a vacancy in the position of Incumbent;
  • see that the grounds of the Church and parish hall, and, where there is no Parish Council, the grounds of all parochial buildings, are properly cared for and kept in good condition

Work of the Church

  • To advise and assist the Incumbent and Churchwardens in the management of the affairs of the Church in that congregation, and in such other matters as may be referred to it;
  • To consider any proposal which may be put forward for the development or improvement of the work of the Church in that congregation, and by resolution to declare its opinion on such proposal; Finances
  • To set up a budget for the congregation for the forthcoming financial year, to take steps to secure money to meet such budget, and to give prior approval to major expenditures;
  • To assist the Churchwardens in the collection of offerings and contributions for the work of the Church;
  • To scrutinize all expenditures and accounts pertaining to the congregation; Cn. 5 Page 6 Revised & Updated 2011
  • To appoint auditors to audit the financial records of the congregation at the end of the year; Property
  • To consider all proposals for the erection, alteration, or repair of the Church and parish hall, and, where there is no Parish Council, of other parochial property, or of Church or other furniture or furnishings pertaining to the congregation;
  • To employ, where deemed necessary, a Church Secretary, verger, sexton, caretaker, and other staff, and fix their remuneration; Committees
  • Where there is no Parish Council, to appoint a Parochial Committee in accordance with Canon 3: Ministry: Ordained and Lay.
  • To appoint Nominating Committee to propose names for the various elective positions for the Annual Congregational Meeting.

Meetings of the Vestry

  • The Vestry shall meet at least twice a year. The meeting shall be called by the Incumbent, or, if someone other than the Incumbent Chairs the Vestry, by the elected Chair in consultation with the Incumbent. A meeting shall be called at the written request of at least five members of the Vestry.
  • (b) A quorum for a business meeting of a Vestry shall be fifty percent of the members plus one, consisting of the Rector, one Warden, and at least one half of the elected members. If there is no Incumbent in the Parish, a quorum for a business meeting of the Vestry shall include both Church Wardens of the congregation.

A Quorum for any Meeting of a Parish Committee other then the Vestry shall be 50% of the Committee Members plus one.

The Churchwardens shall, with the consent of the Incumbent, have power at any time to call a meeting of the Vestry; and they shall do so at any time upon the request of the Incumbent, or, in the absence of the Incumbent, of the curate. If the Incumbent is not the Chair of the Vestry they shall call the meeting in consultation with the Incumbent and the elected Chair.


“Sing to Him, sing praises to Him, meditate on and talk of all His wondrous works, and devoutly praise them.” 1 Chronicles 16:9

The church does many important things, but its main focus is helping people connect with God. In perusing literature on church worship, the consensus seems to be that what people are looking for in worship is an experience of God, not simply information about God.

Therefore, when we, as a community, gather in worship to offer God thanks and praise, our lives should be strengthened and transformed. The congregation should through worship be inspired and readied to ‘Go forth and serve the Lord.’ The onus is on the worship committee here at Ascension to fulfill its role with that premise in mind.

When one chooses to serve on the committee, which meets when the need arises, he or she, as part of a group, helps with the following responsibilities:

  • To reflect on the present worship schedule
  • To recommend form and nature of worship to vestry, and enable liturgical groups to respond
  • To plan key liturgical celebrations:
    • Advent (Advent Quiet Days)
    • Christmas
    • Memorial Hymn Sing
    • Lent (Lenten Quiet Days)
    • Holy Week and Easter
    • Ascensiontide
  • To decide how and when to involve youth in worship
  • To reflect on the music used in worship