(May 10, 2024)

Tomorrow, May 9, is Ascension Day – celebrating the day when these words were spoken “You men of Galilee, why stand you gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go.” (Acts1:11 KJV) It was reassuring to them, and it is reassuring to us. 

We also celebrate at this time the passing of the Holy Spirit to Jesus’ followers to enable them to carry on His work; and likewise, the onus is on us as disciples of Jesus to continue His work also.

  • Tomorrow the Queen’s College Convocation will be held at our church.  We welcome and congratulate the graduates!  If you plan to contribute some food items for the reception following, please drop them to the church by noon tomorrow, Thursday, May 9.  Thanks so much!
  • Confirmation candidates! Don’t forget – you are expected to attend your next Confirmation class, which is on Sunday, May 12 from 2 to 4 p.m.
  • The Sweet Forget-Me-Nots will be entertaining you at the cold plate supper on Tuesday, May 14.  Tickets ($20) for eat-in or take-out are available for purchase after the 11 a.m. service on Sunday or from the office during the week from 9 to noon.  Donations of cookies are gratefully accepted.
  • Please don’t forget our food bank bins.  They are running on low at the moment, and there are so many in need of those nonperishables. Thanks to all who contribute regularly.
  • Our next Book of Common Prayer 8:30 a.m. service and Ascension Café will be on Sunday, May 12.  Come to the Cafe and enjoy some homemade goodies and meet more of your parish family!

Have a nice weekend!
God Bless you all,
Jean (On behalf of the Ascension)