(May 17, 2024)

This weekend coming is ‘Victoria Day’ weekend – a weekend that many always look forward to celebrating.   So, enjoy the weekend, but stay safe, both on the road and during your social gatherings as COVID and other contagious illnesses still lurk among us.

I trust you had a lovely Mother’s Day last Sunday.  Let’s honour all mothers, and all those that mother us; and thank God for their unconditional love not only on Mother’s Day but every day. 

A few notices to attend to:

  • If you take a look around at our church property, you will see that it needs regular maintenance. To focus more on what needs to be done, a Grounds and Maintenance Committee has been formed but this group needs the help of others.  A sign-up sheet is at the back of the church if you would like to be one of those whom they can contact when the need arises. At the moment help is needed in sweeping the parking lot, raking the grass, and collecting any winter debris.  On May 27 at 6 p.m., weather permitting, let’s meet with tools necessary for the job and let’s see what we can accomplish.  Thanks for your anticipated help!  (Group members are listed in the Chimes.)
  • The next 8:30 Book of Common Prayer Service with the Ascension Café following will be on Sunday, May 26.
  • The church office will be closed on Monday, May 20, in observance of Victoria Day holiday.
  • Thanks to those who contributed in any way to the success of the Queen’s College Convocation on May 9.
  • Kudos also to all who helped in any way with the Cold Plate Supper.  It was a wonderful success both in the numbers served and the fellowship that was made possible because of it.
  • If any of you are interested in the interactive information session with Sister Elizabeth Davis at All Saints’ Anglican Parish CBS on Monday, May 27, at 7 p.m. in the church, please read the information in your Chimes, as well as the outline of the event on the parish’s facebook.
  • There’s another free community take-out meal being served this evening, May 15, at the entrance to the Church of the Good Shepherd.  The meals will be available from 5 to 6 p.m. for anyone who needs one.
  • You may also like to take note of the financial update as of March 31, 2024, which is outlined in the Chimes.

May you all have a safe holiday weekend!
Jean (On behalf of the Ascension)