(May 24, 2024)
Next Sunday marks the beginning of the Trinity Season, the Season which celebrates the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, the three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The concept has always been a difficult one to grasp. Maybe this simple Celtic Christian prayer will simplify it somewhat:
Three folds of the cloth, yet only one napkin is there,
Three joints in the finger, but still only one finger fair,
Three leaves of the shamrock, yet no more than one shamrock to wear,
Frost, snowflakes and ice, all in water their origin share,
Three persons in God; to one God alone we make our prayer.
(Author unknown)
A few important messages for you:
- On Sunday, May 26, there will be the 8:30 Book of Common Prayer service followed by the Ascension Café. If you are a newcomer to our church, ‘come and see’ what the café is all about. You may decide to stay (:
- This is a message for able bodied men and women – I presume you have heard about the Grounds and Maintenance Committee and how they are hoping to get help for the repairs and maintenance to our church. You can sign up at the entrance to the church to offer your help when you are called upon. First, on May 27, at 6 p.m. weather permitting, there will be a cleanup of the church grounds. We hope to see many of you there with rakes, wheelbarrows, brooms, or whatever is needed to get the job done. Thanks in advance for your help!
- The next free community take-out meal will be on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.
- Prices continue to rise, and more and more people are finding it difficult to make ends meet. If you are able, please pick up an item or two when you do your grocery shopping this week and place in our food bank box. Thanks so very much!
- June is fast approaching, and that means another afternoon card party on Monday, June 3. Same place, same time!
- Thanks so much to all those who made the cold plate supper such a success, and that includes the Sweet Forget-Me-Nots. The meal was lovely and so was the fellowship it provided.
We are being blessed with warmer weather lately. Take time out to enjoy it!
God bless you all,
Jean (On behalf of the Ascension)