(June 21, 2024)
Last Sunday we celebrated the Service of Confirmation with our Bishop. Let us pray for these six confirmands that, having received the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit will ever be with them and they will continue to aim to serve God throughout their lives.
“May God bless them with His guidance from this day forward.”
A few reminders for you:
- The next 8:30 a.m. Book of Common Prayer Service followed by the Ascension Café will be on Sunday, June 23. Hope to see you there!
- Also, next Sunday, June 23, the 11 o’clock service will be a family service.
- As you already have been informed, this summer we do not have a summer student to assist in the office. As a result, if you need assistance, please leave a message at the office, or send an email to [email protected] Both phone messages and emails will be monitored regularly.
- Card players – your next card party is on July 8, at 2 p.m. Same place, and same requirements! Enjoy!
- Don’t forget to check your calendars for the cemetery services – I feel those who plan to attend will already have the place and times noted on their calendars. The information is also on the parish’s website and facebook.
- Also, please don’t forget those who rely heavily on the food bank for groceries. There is a lot of room in our food collection bins at the entrance to the church. Thanks to those who have contributed – items are greatly appreciated.
- This will be my last Ascension enews until September. The summer Chimes will be sent this week and will include the information needed for the summer months.
Thanks for having me pop up in your enews each Wednesday morning. May you have a relaxing and safe summer, and may God bless you all. Remember God doesn’t take vacation and will be available wherever you go.
Take care,
Jean (On behalf of the Ascension)