The dictionary meaning of proclamation is that which is publicly announced, or officially declared.

As present-day disciples, we too are called to ‘publicly announce’ the Word, to make known what happens inside our church doors, to welcome visitors, to tell about the ministries within our parish.

In Mark 15:16, (Jesus) said to them, “Go the whole world over, and proclaim the Good News to all Humanity.”

And likewise in Matthew 10:27, Jesus gave instructions to his disciples as to the work he expected of them, He said, “What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim from the housetops.”

Those that have given of their time and talent to be involved in this ministry, help to fulfill this mission in various ways:

  • Keeping Ascension’s website relevant
  • Compiling ‘welcoming’ and ‘informative’ material in various forms – booklets, brochures, posters, etc.
  • Helping to organize, and announce publicly our Ascension Celebrations
  • Discovering means of making the church more visible in the community
  • Being happy to share our own stories of Life at the Church of the Ascension
  • Updating the Parish’s facebook page and twitter
  • Delivering the ‘Ascension News’ each week by way of email

It is a time for a renewed effort to regain the missionary model that established the early church. It is our duty and obligation not to ‘hide our light under the bushel, but to let it shine before all people.’ If you would like to help in this mission, but all means let your wish be known. Those involved meet as the need presents itself.